Monday, February 4, 2008

So Much to Update . . . .

Okay, so first things first - I am sorry, Nicole, that I haven't posted recently! My sister, Nicole, can be a bit, ahem, pushy if I don't blog regularly, so I wanted to start out with a sorry. You should meet her - you would be a little scared of her, too! :)

So, there are so many new things! First, Mike and I went to the land of Oz last weekend . . .

This is done in ice, people. We went to see the winter carnival ice sculptures. Man, they are impressive. I can't imagine that ice is the best medium to work with. And cold. Damn cold.

One more - this was a circus theme. Do you see the elephant with a peanut on his trunk? It is right in front of the green tree . . . .

After the ice sculptures, we went to the St. Paul Grille to celebrate Mike's birthday, and it was really fun. I don't think we talked about the baby once. Well, maybe once, but really, only once! It was very nice. We have decided it is HEALTHY and NORMAL to be without our child, and are going to try and do it more often.

But speaking of our child - we have TEETH!

No, you can't really see them in this pic - maybe if you look REALLY close and SQUINT a little bit . . . .and add a bit of imagination . . . .

Okay, so just take my word for it - we have two bottom teeth coming in. She is doing pretty well with it, besides having a minor ear infection that the doctor thinks is tied to the teeth. They are very cute and VERY sharp. No more muppet baby!

And speaking of changes in The Girl, now that she has begun to crawl she is doing all sorts of big girl things, including pulling herself up on furniture, or laundry baskets, or humidifiers - really anything she can find.

Her favorite game, as Mike pointed out to me today, is pulling up on the basket, then sitting back down, crawling over you you and gumming your leg, then going back to the laundry basket, repeat ad nauseum.


Lastly, I have a little video. This video starts out with Celia doing one of my favorite things. We have a toy that has a squeaker in the nose. She likes to chew on the nose, so it squeaks every time she bites down. In this video, she is also talking while chewing, so it creates a lovely song.

I think next weekend I will try to give a little update on Mike and me. We are doing well, though quite exhausted (I'm sure you can't imagine why). He's been busy, I've been busy. With what, you might ask? Stay tuned . . . .


Anonymous said...

Exhausted? Why? What have you two been up to? You can't just say you have a story and not share it! I can't stand it! :)

I can't believe the little one has teeth. She's growning up so fast. Crawling, standing, teeth... she'll be running by next week at this rate.

Thanks for the updates!

Anonymous said...

Hey Baby Girl,
She's getting soooo big! Slow her down--I really didn't see the teeth, but I'll take your word for it! I'm glad you and Mike went out alone. It must have felt strange! I've been there, believe me!
Love you all,

Heather said...

Overwhelming cuteness....


Erin and John said...

So cute!!!

belsum said...

Oh wow she really looks like you in that teething pic.

The Winter Carnival shots turned out amazing. I wanted to take Kirk but it didn't happen. Maybe this weekend...

Creative Life Studio said...


It's me! Be afraid! Be very afraid!


Creative Life Studio said...

Look. Now just look at the picture of "me" over there. Do I look scary to you? I am so gently sniffing that beautiful rose; appreciating it's tender beauty. I do not feel I deserve such a harsh rating. :)

ANYhoo. I have only been able to post once a week myself here for a bit, so I do understand. I just need my baby fix, ya know. Love, love, love the videos. She really lights up and begins entertaining whenever she notices you noticing her!

Mom thinks she looks like Maia in that laundry basket picture. I look forward to the day I can see her again... in 3D. ;)
Gorgeous picture of the ice sculptures. I never did see them when I lived there; kudos to you for braving the cold.

Creative Life Studio said...


How come you still show up as an "anonymous" guest on my blog? Your name should be highlighted, so people can visit you if they want to from my comments section. Or maybe you just didn't want that? Just curious.