Yes, things here at the Robertson household are always ALWAYS moving at a hundred miles an hour. I remember thinking, "once winter hits, we can hunker down and catch our breath." Then, it was, "once the holidays are over, THEN we can catch our breath." I'm not sure what we are waiting for now, but I still feel rather breathless.
Celia has begun throwing things on the floor so that we can pick them up for her. Mothers out there - isn't this a fun trick? Don't you just LOVE to pick up the teether over and over? Now, I realize that my child is LEARNING, and PROCESSING, and starting to comprehend cause and effect. But boy - if that comprehension doesn't start to get a little old!
So Mike, ever the seeker of Ultimate Efficiency, has come up with a solution. Look closely at the picture.
Do you see that all of the toys are connected to a multi-color chain? Do you see that the multi-colored chain is connected to the highchair? Heh heh heh.
So, Mike was playing with Celia today (he has her at home on Mondays and Fridays.) I come home to find them in Celia's room on the floor, and Celia is wearing a bonnet that was mine when I was a baby. What a sweet moment - my baby wearing my baby bonnet.
She particularly liked the ribbons, pulling on them and chewing on them.
Not to get too existential, but the passing of the generations is still pretty amazing to me. Every
once in a while I just have to reflect on the fact that I am now a mother, and have a child I ADORE. I think about my own mom, and how she must have felt about me when I was Celia's age (granted, Mom had two older children, so she didn't have nearly the time I have with Celia.) But to think about the magical MAGICAL relationship a parent and a child have, and to think that there are parents out there who make the choice to not participate in their children's lives. What a tragedy - not just for the children, because that is tragic, but what a loss for the parents. Because I tell you - there is NOTHING like it.
BTW - I would love for you to leave a comment, let me know you have been here. If you don't have an account with Blogger, you can just leave an anonymous note - just be sure to put your name in the text!
I also promise in the future to put in some pics of Mike and me - we do exist, it's true.
Celia doesn't look too pleased with the whole chain idea, Lael. :) It's much more fun to play the "Mommy/Daddy Fetch" game.
Another blogging idea... You can make your comment window pop up as a separate little window so that the commenter can still view your message and comment at the same time. That way they (or some of us who may have difficulty remembering everything in the post that they wanted to comment on - ahem) can easily read and comment, read and comment, like a friendly conversation. :)
I know what you mean about the whole speed of life thing. There's a reason that there are magazine articles and, indeed, whole magazines ("Real Simple" being one) that are dedicated to the topic. Thankfully, I made it to Friday this week. I didn't even like being around myself I was so wound up about everything I needed to do. A much better day today. And FORCING myself to observe the Sabbath (which means planning ahead)is my current tactic.
I don't know how you guys do it, but you're a great inspiration! I love the pics of Celia. Her personality really shines through. And about this time next year, I may commission one of those toy-chains from Mike... brilliant.
I have no idea how to blog but let me just say, it's about flippin' time you resurfaced. I was starting to wonder if Celia was real or not :) Good to hear your stories as I can hear your voice as your humor radiates from this webpage. Keep us all posted!!!
Random thoughts: I haven't updated my blog for way too long, but I was happy to see an update from you. Just saying "my daughter" to people feels overwhelming and wonderful many times a week. Celia is getting sooo big and it looks like she is having a ball. We'll have to get the dads and girls together on Fridays. Ms. Magadalene is just learning to pick up things, she has not caught on to the throwing - can't wait! As an adoptee, I occasionally feel very sorry that my biological parents missed out on the Magic of my childhood (and they are now missing the Magic of their grand-daughter), but I'm so thankful for my parents and that Mags gets to see her grandmothers and grandfather 2-3 times per week.
Hey, Baby Girl,
Went to your sister's tonight for Bible study, and saw your blog, which included MY grandbaby "bug"! How cute, and, yes, throwing and hearing the crash to the floor is a lot of fun!
Love to you all,
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