Sunday, January 27, 2008

The Joy of Music

Celia and Mike have been enjoying playing the piano together (you can see a pic of it if you scroll all the way down to my first blog). This video was taken Sunday night. Enjoy!


Anonymous said...

Hey Baby Girl and Miguel,
What a beautiful musical girl you have there! What's with the "k,k,k," sounds? Sounds like our squirrels here or like you said, a raccoon! How darling! I love it! Oh, and happy B'day to you Miguel! Hope you got the card we sent!
Love you,

Anonymous said...

Right on track to be a virtuoso.
I like the dolphin laugh at the end, too.

Creative Life Studio said...

She apparently likes her mama's approval! SO funny! :) She seemed pretty serious until you started praising her and then she was ready to perform!! Quite pleased with herself!

Thanks for sharing; we all got a kick out of it. :)

belsum said...

I covet your piano. We have my grandmother's ancient organ. It's cool but totally crapped out.

Heather said...

What? And Mike gets no positive feedback on his playing? :)

Actually, I think Celia might be a virtuoso (or would it be virtuosa?) because at :13 she very nearly plays the main theme to Hayden's "Surprise Symphony". Amazing!

Anonymous said...

Watching the video almost made me cry. This (and the nose biting duet) is the first time I have ever seen my youngest granddaughter do something. I am thrilled to have access to this blog! I am anxious to see all of it. Thank you so much for making it available to all of us.

Much love to the three of you. Dad

LaelR said...

So glad you are visitng, Dad!